Billing Usage & Settings
The billing usage & settings tab is shown to both sub-accounts and agencies to manage their payments.
Last updated
The billing usage & settings tab is shown to both sub-accounts and agencies to manage their payments.
Last updated
Inside the dashboard tab you can see your wallet balance, add more funds to your wallet balance.
Underneath you can view your current plan and what is included in it along with being able to upgrade your plan and/or canceling your plan.
Payment methods allow you to manage the credit that is used to pay for your subscription and your wallet. You can add multiple credit cards as needed.
Below you will be able to see your Stripe payment history with the ability to download invoices individually for each transaction on your credit card.
On the Usage tab you can view the transaction histories and balances for your wallet and storage balances.
On the auto-billing page you can set thresholds for when your credit card is charged to add more balance to your wallet.
Learn more about auto billing here: