😎Agency Profile

This is where you add all of your agency's profile information that will be shown to your users.

Agency Name

Enter your agency name. This is for internal use only and won't be visible to your clients/subaccounts.

Site Name

This will replace 'Stammer' with your site name for your clients on your white label version.


Select the currency code for pricing of your clients to purchase. This setting is locked once you select your currency. You will not be able to change your currency after you create a subscription package or customer.

This will replace the 'Stammer' logo with your own logo on your white label version.

Support Email

Enter your agency's support email. This will be displayed to users in case of errors or other issues on your white label version.

New User Signup Webhook URL

Enter the webhook URL that should be triggered when a new user signs up. Leave blank if not in use.

Privacy Policy URL

Enter the URL for your Privacy Policy to create a link in the bottom right-hand corner of the dashboard footer.

Terms of Service URL

Input the URL for your Terms of Service to link it to the text in the bottom right-hand corner of the dashboard footer.

Show App Version

Enable this option to display the app version to all sub-accounts. If disabled, the app version will be hidden from the subaccounts.

Last updated