Create Sub-Account

Manually create a new client sub-account.

How to manually create a new sub-account:

  1. In your agency dashboard click the β€˜Create New Sub-Account’

  2. Enter sub-account details.

    1. Sub-account name = Name of the sub-account

    2. Email = Email of the person you are creating the sub-account for

    3. Password = Temporary password for the user to login

    4. First Name = Name of the user this sub-account is for

    5. Number of Chatbots to be allocated = Enter in a number of AI agents (chatbots) for this sub-account

    6. Number of Characters to be allocated = Enter the number of characters (for storage) to be allocated to this sub-account

    7. Amount to be added in Wallet = This is a starting balance of the sub-account wallet to use to send AI messages

    8. Free Trial Ends at = Set the date you want this sub-account to be given a free trial

    9. AI Agent Permissions = Set the permissions you want this sub-account to receive

  3. Notify User = Selecting this sends an email with login credentials to the user. Note: Sub-Accounts can only login into your white-labeled version, not the main Stammer platform.

Last updated