
Do you have any rough estimate of what your clients (like me) are charging for their service? If so, what is the underlying logic behind that pricing? For example, if a company has a customer support agent that cost $3000 each month, but this solutions can substitute them , then the cost/benefit analysis is quite clear, but let's say there are companies that do not have dedicated agents but rather share the customer support responsibilities between themselves and the factors are more intangible. Any inputs here would be great.

The sweet spot we've found is 297-497 per month. This depends on functionality, usage, and whether its DIY or DFY. Regardless of whether the company has dedicated agents or not, the company is still spending time (ask them how much) to deliver on customer support. A scenario could be a sales person does 10 hours per week of support because they don't have someone dedicated to it. If the sales person had 10 more hours a week to do sales, how many more sales could that person do? Customer support is a necessity for all businesses, but it is not what drives the company forward.

Do you have any oversight/information about what type of industries/sectors is the most open to these types of solutions/ the best target market?

What niches do you have experience with? I'd recommend starting there. We see a lot of real estate and service based businesses right now.

Do you have any case-studies / best practices or other relevant information that I can check out?

Yes, here's one example: You can also join our Discord and visit our success and use cases channels for more.

Last updated