πŸ”—Custom Domain

This page will help walk you through the process of connecting your custom domain name to the Stammer platform so you can white label it as your own.

Add Your Domain

  1. Log into your DNS provider: Google Domains, Namecheap, GoDaddy etc.

  2. Find the DNS Management page: This will be labeled as 'DNS settings', 'Name server management', or 'DNS management'.

  3. Edit your A Record: In your DNS settings please add an 'A' record that is pointing towards the IP address

It should look something like this:

Host Name: app Type: A TTL: The lowest number possible or Automatic Data/Value: Advice/Notes:

  • You can make the host name (this can also be referred to as a β€˜sub-domain’) be whatever you want it to be (example: dragon.yourdomain.com)

  • 🚨 It will probably take a few minutes to fully propagate (copy over to your new sub-domain) so please be patient (sometimes it can take up to 24 hours, but typically this is done in ~5min or less)

Frequently Asked Custom Domain Questions

Do I need to use app.mydomain.com?

When using our custom domain functionality, a common question we receive is whether it's necessary to use app.mydomain.com. This is called a subdomain, where app.mydomain.com is a subdomain of the primary domain, mydomain.com.

While it's true that most people use app.mydomain.com, you can technically use any subdomain you prefer. For example, you could use ai.mydomain.com or even point your root domain directly at Stammer's server.

However, it's common practice for most people to reserve their primary domain for their landing page, just like we do with stammer.ai. Therefore, in most cases, it's best to point your custom domain at a subdomain.

To set this up, all you need to do is create an A record that points your desired domain or subdomain at Stammer's servers.

If you find this process unclear or need further assistance, please let us know, and we'll be happy to create a dedicated video tutorial specifically addressing this topic.

Thank you for your attention, and we hope this information has been helpful.

Last updated