Airtable - Custom Function

This is how you can create a custom function that will integrate with your Airtable database.

To find and use the Airtable API for your specific base, follow these steps:

Step 1: Sign In to Airtable

Step 2: Access Your Base

  • Open the Airtable base (database) that you want to interact with using the API.

Step 3: Access the API Documentation

  • Once inside your base, click on the Help menu (a question mark icon) in the upper right corner of the Airtable interface.

  • In the Help menu, you'll see an option labeled API documentation. Click on it.

Step 4: API Documentation Page

  • This will take you to a page with automatically generated API documentation specifically for your base.

  • The documentation provides detailed information on how to interact with your base's data via the Airtable API.

Step 5: API Key

  • You'll need an API key to authenticate your requests. To get your API key:

    1. Click on your profile icon in the top right corner of the Airtable interface.

    2. Select Account from the dropdown menu.

    3. Scroll down to the API section.

    4. Copy the API key provided.

Step 6: Using the API

  • The API documentation will show you the specific endpoints you can use to interact with your base, including:

    • Base ID: Specific to the Airtable base you are working with.

    • Table Names: The names of the tables in your base.

    • Example API requests: You can see examples of how to create, read, update, and delete records.

Example of an API URL

If your base ID is app1234567890 and your table name is Table 1, your API URL for getting records might look something like this:

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